Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The way we see it...

Vegetarian food doesn’t have to be weird. And you don’t have to be a vegetarian to eat it. Think of some of your favorite classic junk food - pizza with extra cheese, french fries, microwave popcorn - they’re all vegetarian! In fact, we guarantee that you eat vegetarian food all the time; you just don’t think about it.

Some vegetarians are perfectly content to live off of nothing but bulgur wheat and sunshine, and turn their noses up at a piece of greasy bacon. But not all. We have been vegetarians for years, and bacon still smells pretty damn delicious to us. We understand that a lot of meat dishes taste really good, and in order to willingly and happily swap them out for vegetarian dishes, the veggie stuff has to taste equally good or better. Our recipes will give you some veggie options that will taste so good, that you’ll forget (or at least forget to care) that you’re eating vegetarian food.

There’s a misconception that eating vegetarian food requires a major life change. If you’re going to try becoming a vegetarian, we recommend you don’t do it all at once. That rarely works, and it will only make you feel like you’re missing out. We don’t know about you, but we love food. We also hate diets, because they only make us feel like we’re missing out on the delicious food that we love so much. Many people view becoming a vegetarian the same way they view going on a diet. That it’s all about completely changing the way you eat overnight and giving up the all the things that you like to eat (or feeling like a total failure when you cheat and eat a potato chip). No one can stick to that! Or at least, no one can stick to that and be truly happy. We say, what’s the point of that?

Rather than making the switch cold turkey, why not try replacing a few carnivorous dishes a week with vegetarian ones? This may be as far as you’ll ever want to go with it, and that’s totally cool. Or maybe, like us, you’ll go veggie all the way and never look back.

There are countless benefits for you and for the world you live in to cutting some of the meat out of your diet. But, it bothers us when someone tries to make us feel guilty for how we live our lives. We’ve found that eating vegetarian has suited our lives and the things that we’re into, and that’s why we do it. But that’s our lives, not yours, and we don’t know what suits your life. Don’t let us make you feel guilty with any of this. If you want to go home tonight and eat a rack of ribs with chicken nuggets on the side, go right ahead - we won’t judge you. That’s not what we’re trying to do here. We just want to give you some options that you may not have realized that you had before, and provide you with some resources that make meatless eating seem a little less intimidating.

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