Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Pancakes

Pancakes are one of the easiest breakfasts you can make (besides cereal and milk, I guess), but for some reason the people you make them for seem to appreciate them like you've slaved over them all morning. This morning, I tried to be cute for Valentine's Day, so I added white chocolate and strawberries. It was like dessert for breakfast, and the bf loved it!

One Batch Prepared Pancake Mix*
White Chocolate Chips - 1 cup
Dried Cranberries - 1 cup
Strawberries - large, about four; two quartered and two cut into fans**
Butter, Maple Syrup, Cocoa Powder

Preheat a griddle or skillet to medium high heat (about 375 degrees, if using a griddle). Add chocolate chips and cranberries to pancake batter. Melt a little butter or lightly spray oil onto the griddle or skillet to make sure the pancakes won't stick. Using a 1/4 cup measure, pour pancake batter onto griddle or skillet; this should make small - medium sized pancakes. Once pancakes begin to make bubbles that don't close and edges look dry (probably 5 min at most), flip with a spatula. Allow to cook for one minute more. Arrange on plate with strawberries, serve with butter and maple syrup and cocoa powder for dusting.

*I've tried making pancakes from scratch several times, and unfortunately they never seem to turn out quite as tasty as when I make them with pancake mix. If you're better than I am at making pancake batter, by all means, make them from scratch! If not, there are a lot of good pancake mixes out there (you don't have to use Bisquick!). Whole Foods sells a store-brand whole wheat pancake mix that's cheap and tastes great.

**To make strawberry fans - cut two large strawberries into thin sections lengthwise, leaving the sections connected at the top near the leaves. Spread the sections gently into a fan, being careful that they don't come apart.

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